
7 Benefits of Dental Implants

Jun 22 • 3 minute read

Dental implants are a long-lasting, highly durable tooth replacement option. Because dental implant restorations replace the entirety of your tooth from root to crown, they offer a wide range of improvements to your oral health, dental aesthetics, and overall quality of life. Below are some of the top benefits of dental implants.

Natural Look and Feel

With the help of modern materials and technology, dental implant restorations are designed to look, feel, and function like your natural teeth. They are customized for each patient, each tooth, and each dental condition, ensuring a comfortable fit. Dental implants provide functionality and stability that is unmatched by other tooth replacement options. And when it comes to appearance, people may not even notice that you have replacement teeth.

Prevent Bone Loss

Once you lose an adult tooth, the bone mass around the missing tooth site begins to deteriorate because there’s no root to encourage the strengthening of the bone. Bone loss cannot be reversed, and nearby teeth may start to tilt toward the open space. If you’ve lost several teeth, your facial shape may change and take on a “caved in” appearance over time.

With a dental implant, the titanium rod acts as the new root, stimulating new bone growth through a process called osseointegration. This avoids the likelihood of bone reabsorption, movement of adjacent teeth, and facial sagging.

Enable Natural Speech

Missing teeth and restoration options like dentures tend to change the way you speak. Tooth gaps at the front of your mouth may cause a lisp, and dentures may slip when you talk, causing a slur or lisp. This can be distracting and embarrassing as you’re constantly worrying about what your voice will sound like.

Dental implants, whether topped with a crown or implant-supported dentures, will provide a surface for your tongue to press against when forming words. They are held firmly in place, preventing them from slipping and sliding as you talk. Dental implants allow you to speak easily and naturally.

Strong, Stable, and Built to Last

Dental implants are incredibly durable. The implant replaces the root of the missing tooth, providing a strong and secure anchor for dental restorations. Once they’re fully integrated with the jawbone, they offer “survival rates” better than other tooth replacement options. In fact, dental implants can last a lifetime when properly placed and cared for.

Easy to Care For

Dental implants are very low maintenance, requiring the same oral hygiene routine as a natural tooth. This means brushing your teeth twice a day, using mouthwash and flossing once a day, and visiting your dentist every six months for checkups and preventive cleanings.

If you have implant-supported dentures, they will require the same type of care as traditional dentures. With implants that are capped with bridges, you’ll need to clean under the false tooth to maintain gum health.

Enjoy Your Favorite Foods

One of the biggest drawbacks of missing teeth (especially molars) and dentures is that you can’t eat certain foods without hesitation. Dental implants are rooted firmly into your jawbone, allowing you to comfortably chew and experience the full taste of your favorite chewy or crunchy foods.

Improved Self-Confidence

A gap in your smile can make you self-conscious. It’s easy to get wrapped up in how the gap affects your speech and what other people think of it when you smile or talk. Dental implants give you a smile that looks and feels natural, allowing you to smile, laugh, eat, and speak with confidence.

Final Thoughts

Dental implants are one of the most reliable tooth replacement options; they’re durable, versatile, and work to restore the functionality of your teeth. With proper care, implants become a permanent part of your smile, keeping it beautiful and healthy for a lifetime. If you’ve lost one or more teeth, consider asking your dentist whether dental implants are right for you.

The post 7 Benefits of Dental Implants first appeared on Dental Signal.

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